Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA issues licences and grants authorisations to conduct a specific activities in the financial market. Licensing requirements vary depending on whether the licence holder is a bank, an insurance company or another type of financial service provider. Licence holders placed under prudential supervision must meet in particular organisational, risk management and financial requirements.
Recognition under Anti Money Laundering Act. Anyone who provides payment services or who issues or manages a means of payment is a financial intermediary subject to the Anti Money Laundering Act.
Anyone who Recognition of a Collective Investment Scheme advertise this service or units in foreign collective investment schemes to institutional investors and/or to high-net-worth individuals should be sell recognised as a Collective Investment Scheme. sell units in a collective investment scheme or
Banking licence. If you accept deposits from more than 20 clients and client's assets are paid into your accounts or you advertise the activity of accepting funds you should require the banking licence.
Authorisation to trade securities. Applicable if you buy and sell shares and other securities for clients or buy securities to re-sell in the short-term which generates a turnover of CHF 5 billion or more a year.
Authorisation to provide insurance. Applicable if you insure risks and dangers for clients.
Insurance Intermediary authorisation. Applicable if you broker insurance contracts